inclusive communities - everyone matters

More than half a million people in Cambodia live with disability. They have very limited access to appropriate treatment, rehabilitation services or skills and vocational training. It is this experience that actually ‘disables’ them from participating fully and equally in community life. At CDMD we are dedicated to be the change.

CDMD is an independent Cambodian non-governmental organisation working towards an inclusive, barrier-free and rights-based society for people with disabilities.

Inclusive communities - everyone matters

Inclusion is about all of us. Fighting for inclusion involves ensuring that support systems are available to those who need them. Providing and maintaining support is a civic responsibility, not a favour. Everyone matters.

Community Based Rehabilitation... a strategy for the rehabilitation, equalisation of opportunities, poverty reduction and social inclusion of people with disabilities. Moreover, it is our core activity and addresses all components of the WHO CBR guidelines, providing a holistic approach that considers health, education, livelihood, social rehabilitation and empowerment. 

Unite and work together!

Rather than only giving individual care, CDMD encourages people with disabilities to become more effective agents of change in their own communities. Simultaneously, at CDMD we treasure teamwork and networking to develop our program and its direction.

We unite and work together with the people, who are the centre of what we do.


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Australian Aid, managed by CBM Australia on behalf of the Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade.  

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